ASRM Scientific Congress: Authorship Integrity Policy
ASRM holds scholarly veracity and responsible conduct and research reporting as essential for maintaining the integrity of research enterprise and discovery. This policy provides a clear understanding of the expectations of authorship.
Authorship of an abstract is limited to those who contributed meaningfully to its intellectual content. Authorship also indicates accountability and responsibility for the submitted work. Every author should have contributed sufficiently to and should take responsibility for the submitted work. By serving as a co-author, you confirm that you have made substantial contributions:
By serving as an author, you:
ASRM does not consider abstracts peer reviewed. If concerns about data integrity arise, both ASRM and the presenting author should be notified. Once notified, ASRM will determine the need for the abstract withdrawal but will not be responsible for investigating the content of the abstract submitted.
Additionally, ASRM does not investigate or adjudicate authorship disputes. Disagreements that cannot be resolved amongst all authors should be directed to the relevant institutional authority ASRM reserves the right to withdraw any abstract undergoing authorship disputes.
Authorship of an abstract is limited to those who contributed meaningfully to its intellectual content. Authorship also indicates accountability and responsibility for the submitted work. Every author should have contributed sufficiently to and should take responsibility for the submitted work. By serving as a co-author, you confirm that you have made substantial contributions:
- to the conception or design of the work, or
- to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data or
- to the creation of products used in the work and
- have drafted the work or substantively revised it, and
- have approved the submitted version (and any substantially modified version that involves the author's contribution to the study).
By serving as an author, you:
- agree to be personally accountable for the authors’ contributions and
- agree to ensure that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work, even ones in which the you were not personally involved, are appropriately investigated, resolved, and the resolution documented in the literature,
- understand that you will be listed as an author and have approved the abstract submission to ASRM.
- acknowledge that, if accepted, the abstract will be published and available publicly.
ASRM does not consider abstracts peer reviewed. If concerns about data integrity arise, both ASRM and the presenting author should be notified. Once notified, ASRM will determine the need for the abstract withdrawal but will not be responsible for investigating the content of the abstract submitted.
Additionally, ASRM does not investigate or adjudicate authorship disputes. Disagreements that cannot be resolved amongst all authors should be directed to the relevant institutional authority ASRM reserves the right to withdraw any abstract undergoing authorship disputes.
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The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.
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The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is the leading organization worldwide dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.