2024 Advocacy Activities
Below are the letters and amicus briefs that ASRM has written or signed to protect reproductive rights and the practice of reproductive medicine.
(Updated 5-2-2024)
Endorsement with Senator Cory Booker of Senator Cory Booker's Access to Birth Control Act
Join statement with ACOG regarding the April 24 arguments before the Supreme Court regarding EMTALA and abortion care.
Sign on letter with the Coalition on Human Needs calling for adequate funding for FY25 appropriations for programs within the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education.
Letter to the Tennessee Senate opposing SB 1971, which would create the crime of "abortion trafficking"
Letter to Idaho's Governor Brad Little urging him to veto H 421, defining sex and gender as binary
Letter to WV Governor Jim Justice opposing HB 4233, which would define sex and gender as binary
Sign on letter with NWLC supporting the NDAA contraceptive no copay provision from the stand-alone Access to Contraception for Servicemembers & Dependents Act for sign ons.
Sign on letter with Friends of NICHD to endorse the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research FY 2025 funding recommendation, which would provide the NIH with $51.3 billion in funding
Letter to Kentucky's Governor Andy Beshear expressing concerns about SB 373
Letter to Kentucky's Senate Committee on Health Services expressing concerns about SB 373, which purports to protect IVF but contains potentially dangerous langauge
Letter to Tennessee's Senate Committee on Judiciary opposing SB 1971, which could create the crime of abortion trafficking.
Witness slip in support ot HB5643, which would cover at home pregnancy tests through insurance coverage
Public statement with SMFM urging the Supreme Court to protect access to mifepristone.
Letter to Minnesota's Committee on Health and Human Services in support of the Minnesota Building Families Act
Signed on with NWLC to the Gender Justice Movement's Amicus Curiae Brief in Idaho v. United States
Letter to South Carolina's Senate Committee on Medical Affairs opposing H 4624, which would criminalize the provision of gender-affirming care
Letter to Iowa Senate Majority opposing SF 2575, a bill defining life as beginning at fertilization
Contact your elected officials and urge them to VOTE NO on HF 2575
Contact your elected officials and urge them to VOTE NO on HF 2575
Sign on letter with ASA to Congress in support of the FY25 budget for the National Center for Health Statistics.
Sign on letter with EndoBlack endorsing Congremember's Nikema Williams' legislation to increase research funding and spread educational awareness of endometriosis.
LFY 2025 International SRHR Appropriations Request Letter with PPFA
Letter to Michigan's Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Michigan Family Protection Act, updating MI's surrogacy law
Letter to Minnesota's House Committee on Commerce Finance and Policy in support of HF 1658, a bill mandating fertility coverage
Letter to Tennessee's House Finance, Ways and Means Subcommittee opposing HB 1895, making the crime of "abortion trafficking"
Letter to Georgia's House Committee on Rules in support of HB 1204, a fertility preservation bill
Letter to Missouri's House Committee on Emerging Issues opposing HB 2309, a bill defining sex and gender as binary
Letter with National Partnership for Women & Families to the Senate Budget Committee on the economic harms of restricting reproductive freedom
Letter to Alabama's House Committee on Health and Human Services opposing SB 92, a bill defining gender by "sperm and ova"
Letter to Kansas' House Committee on Health and Human Services opposing HB 2792, a ban on gender-affirming care for minors that would criminalize providers
Letter to Oklahoma's House Committee on Public Health opposing HB 1537, an abortion ban
Letter to Wyoming's Senate Committee on Labor, Health and Social Services opposing SF 99, a ban on gender-affirming care for minors that would criminalize prescribing of medication t
Letter to Florida's House Judiciary Committee opposing HB 651, a personhood bill that could affect the practice of IVF.
Contact your officials and urge them to VOTE NO on HB 651 to protect IVF in Florida
Contact your officials and urge them to VOTE NO on HB 651 to protect IVF in Florida
Letter to Wyoming's Joint Committee on Judiciary opposing HB 148, adding restrictions to providers of abortion
Letter to West Virginia's Senate Committee on Health and Human Resources opposing HB 4233, a bill banning intersex and non binary from birth certificates and IDs
Letter to Georgia's House Committee on Public Health in support of HB 1204, a fertility preservation bill
Letter to Colorado's House Committee on State, Civic, Military and Veteran Affairs opposing HB 24-1224, a personhood bill
Sign on letter with the National Society of Genetic Counselors in support of the Support the Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act
Letter to Oklahoma's House Committee on Judiciary – Criminal opposing HB 3013, criminalizing medication abortion
Letter to Oklahoma's House Committee on Public Health opposing HB 3216, an abortion ban
Letter to WV's Senate Committee on Health and Human Resources opposing SB 352, an abortion ban
Letter to Florida's Senate Fiscal Policy Committee opposing SB 476, a personhood bill that could affect the practice of IVF
Letter to Virginia's Education and Health Committee in support of SB 335, a fertility preservation bill/ Acton Alert: We urge you to use this easy link to contact your state officials and ask that they pass SB 335!
Letter to Tennessee's House Population Health Subcommittee opposing HB 1895, making the crime of "abortion trafficking". Click here to urge your elected officials to VOTE NO on HB 1895
Support letter for New York A-4921B/S5107B, updating the Child Parent Support Act
Comments submitted to Nebraska's Committee on Government, Military and Veterans Affairs in support of LB 1082, an IVF mandate
Letter to New York's Senate Health Committee opposing S 2122, which would add regulations and data collection requirements to gamete banks
Letter to Florida's Senate Judiciary Committee opposing SB 476, a personhood bill that could affect the practice of IVF
Letter to Idaho's House State Affairs Committee in opposition to H 421, a bill defining sex and gender as binary
Letter to Iowa's Judiciary Subcommittee opposing HF 2082, a bill to remove gender identity from the civil rights and discrimination code
Sign on to Amicus Brief with ACOG regarding Danco Laboratories, LLC v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine et al.
Letter to Idaho's House State Affairs Committee in opposition to HB 400, a personhood bill redefining embryos and fetuses as "preborn children"
Gender justice sign-on letter with NWLC urging the Senate to swiftly confirm Nicole Berner to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Sign on letter with March of Dimes in support of the PREEMIEReathorization Act and Preventing Maternal Deaths Reauthorization Act
Signed-on with ACOG to Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Inc. et al. v. Reynolds in the Supreme Court of Iowa regarding the six-week abortion ban in the state.
Comments with NWLC in Response to Understanding Service Member Experiences with Family Planning
Letter with CRD calling on Congress to reject a full year CR that will significantly cut NDD appropriations and instead adopt the bipartisan Senate funding framework as a starting point for final negotiations.