To provide evidence-driven, science-based nonpartisan information and expertise aimed to inform the public and decision makers in both the public and private sectors on matters of importance to the field and patients of reproductive medicine.
Established in December 2020, the ASRM Center for Policy & Leadership (CPL) serves as a non-partisan think tank on reproductive policy, studying and researching issues and challenges, and developing policy, supporting analytics, and leadership programs to help achieve better policy outcomes and develop a cadre of global leaders in the field of reproductive medicine. The CPL also serves to engage and empower current and future leaders in the field, serving as a clearinghouse of information, resources, and programming designed to promote awareness and engagement in pertinent policy discussions and beyond.
Access to reproductive medicine is increasingly subject to the decisions of state and federal policymakers and non-elected jurists. The CPL exists to fill the void between work of allied organizations focused on adjacent issues including reproductive justice and health disparities. It endeavors to provide fact-driven, science-based information to inform the public and decision makers from both the public and private sectors as they weigh matters of relevance to reproductive medicine.
The decision-making, leadership, and culture of the ASRM Center for Policy and Leadership is grounded in adherence to and advancement of the following core values:

With these core principles at the root of each decision, the Center will fulfill its role by:
- Identifying emergent and key areas of concern and importance for the field of reproductive medicine.
- Researching such issues, authoring, and publishing resources addressing relevant and emergent policy issues important to providers, patients and the public related to the field of reproductive medicine.
- Serving as a trustworthy, data- and science-driven hub for thought leadership and research challenges in the field of reproductive medicine.
- Informing the national dialogue on matters of importance to the field of and patients of reproductive medicine by infusing expertise and science-based data and information.
- Responsible storytelling to ensure decision makers recognize the real-world impact of their policymaking on the field of reproductive medicine and patient care.
- Sharing the voices and experiences of health care professionals, patients and other experts to ensure policymaking is rooted in real-world impact and actionable.
- Guiding, initiating, and supporting ASRM’s leadership development efforts.
- Hosting events and convening thought leaders to identify, spotlight, and advance priorities for the field of reproductive medicine, including policy efforts to address needs, disparities, and innovations regarding reproductive medicine.
- Build awareness about the Center and its initiatives while capacity building.
- Develop and disseminate science- and evidence-based data and analysis to inform decision making and dialogue at every level of government regarding access to reproductive medicine, including legal abortions and contraception.
- Educate the public and decision makers on the latest trends in access to reproductive medicine and its impact and importance for individuals, including members of specific populations.
- Prepare, through educational and leadership development programming, ASRM’s members for engagement of decision makers weighing matters of importance to the field and patients.
- Spotlight and amplify, through the CPL’s social media presence, website, and programming, ASRM members’ leadership in the field, research, and initiatives, supporting the exchange of perspectives and expertise.
- Inform decision making at every level of society regarding reproductive medicine through the infusion of expertise and science-based data and analysis.
- Educate members of the public and decision makers in the private and public sectors about patient needs and best practices in reproductive medicine.
- Foster and support an expanded movement that ensures collaboration and information sharing across experience and disciplines to elevate innovation in and increase access to reproductive medicine.
- Develop and amplify the voices of leaders and experts in the field of reproductive medicine in furtherance of the CPL’s goals and core values through educational series, training and programming.
- Launch an expert speaker series bringing together experts in reproductive medicine to include ASRM members for engaging conversations on timely and emergent issues of relevance to the field.
- Subject to available resources, host a Leadership in Action Academy for ASRM’s members, bringing together young professionals and seasoned leaders for idea exchange and skill building.
- tilize the CPL’s social media platforms and the Policy Matters podcast to showcase the work of ASRM’s Committees, to include the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Mentorship, Ethics, and Education Committees.
- Participate in external events and link ASRM members to opportunities to provide expertise and insight on key issues through public speaking, media engagement, and public education.
Contact and Engagement
Staff: Rebecca W. O’Connor, JD, Director
Email: cpl@asrm.org
Social Media: (Right click icon to follow)