New Hampshire
March 2023 Report
Measures to protect reproductive care
In New Hampshire, lawmakers introduced a fresh batch of anti-abortion legislation that includes a “heartbeat bill” (banning abortion upon detection of cardiac activity usually at approximately six weeks gestation) (NH HB 591). Another proposed measure would require health care providers to give patients written instructions and warnings about abortion medication and mandate the right (upon request) to view ultrasound images. Under current state law, abortion is legal until 24 weeks, with the penalty for violation of the law being up to seven years in prison and a $100,000 fine (New Hampshire Statutes, Title X, section 132:23, et seq.). At least one policymaker wants to abolish these penalties which, many point out, are arbitrary and do not apply in instances of other comparable medical procedures
State Legislation and Reproductive Medicine
The ASRM Center for Policy and Leadership (CPL) has released reports concerning States' Abortion Laws and their Potential Implications for Reproductive Medicine. Current as of the date of publication, the reports provide an overview of states’ abortion laws, together with analysis of potential implications for reproductive medicine, including IVF.