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Let's Talk Mental Health Treatment Interventions course teaser

Treatment Interventions for Mental Health Professionals

Learn More and Register
Treatment Interventions is a program for both new and experienced mental health professionals to orient new professionals and refresh seasoned mental health service providers to ethical principles, research practices, and a wide range of treatment considerations involved with infertility care.

Nine online lessons provide:
  • Practical applications through case scenarios and ethical dilemmas you can immediately apply to your practice
  • Downloadable resources to support effective decision-making and client care
  • The opportunity to hear from content experts on a variety of treatment considerations
  • A standard, updated curriculum applicable to all mental health professionals involved with infertility care
The Mental Health Professional Treatment Interventions Training Module features short engaging didactics by content experts, interactive elements, vivid and descriptive videos, immediate reinforcement of learning, and case scenarios for practical application.


Program Information

Target Learner:

New and experienced Mental Health Professionals providing Infertility Care


ASRM Member: $200
Nonmember: $300
The first 50 program enrollees will save $50 after completing the program and user experience survey within 90 days of enrollment.


The American Society for Reproductive Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 7.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. The Mental Health Professionals Group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. This activity will offer 7.00 continuing education credits.


Successful completion of MHP Course 1:  Basic Infertility

Estimated Time to Complete Activity:

7.0 hours


Education for Mental Health Professionals

*Completion of the MHPG Training Modules or any of their components does not provide credentials or certification to practice as a mental health professional in the assisted reproductive technology setting.
Healthcare professional accessing reproductive diagram

Mental Health Professional Training Module: Basic Infertility

The Basic Infertility Course is the first in a series of training modules for mental health professionals counseling in the field of assisted reproductive technology.
Couple and pregnant woman share a heartfelt moment

Counseling for Contemporary Family-Building

Training that addresses mental health professionals’ counseling considerations surrounding third-party reproduction, diverse patient populations, and genetics

More Resources

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ASRM Membership

Thousands of doctors, nurses, and other professionals in the field of reproductive medicine are advancing their careers with the latest news, continuing education, discounts and networking opportunities.

See 15 Reasons to Join ASRM
ASRM Mental Health Professional Group teaser

Mental Health Professional Group

The Mental Health Professional Group is a group of professionals within the ASRM dedicated to enhancing knowledge and understanding of psychological and emotional aspects of reproductive health.

Visit the MHPG website
Coding for Mental Health teaser

Mental Health Coding for Donor Recipients

Coding by Mental Health Professionals Conducting Psychoeducational Consultation for Recipients of Donated Gametes and Embryos compiled by the MHPG and ASRM Coding Committee

View the Coding Guidance
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