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SMRU Traveling Scholar Awards

The objective of this award is to provide an opportunity for trainees to learn more about the field of male infertility by attending educational activities at the ASRM Scientific Congress. Abstracts must focus on male infertility.  Individuals must choose either the “Reproductive Urology” or “Infertility” category when submitting. Awardees will receive reimbursement of up to $2,350 in travel expenses to attend the Congress, which will be held in Denver, CO, October 19-23, 2024.

Please download and fill out this form before April 23, 2024 to apply for the SMRU Traveling Scholars Program

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  • Registration fee waived for the ASRM 2024 Scientific Congress, SMRU Postgraduate Course, one Roundtable Luncheon, and the SMRU banquet.
  • One-year membership to ASRM and SMRU

Applicants must:

  • be trainees in the field of male infertility or considering entering the field of male infertility. Trainees may include medical students, residents, fellows, undergraduate students, or postdoctoral fellows.
  • attend the SMRU Postgraduate Course, as well as special interest sessions on each day of the ASRM Scientific Congress to receive travel reimbursement.
  • be the first author of the submitted abstract.
  • provide the required documentation below to Megan Miller by April 23, 2024:
    • application form
    • curriculum vitae
    • letter of recommendation from the trainee’s mentor
    • statement of career goals
    • copy of the submitted abstract printed from the “Review and Submit” page from the abstract submission system portal
  • ensure their availability to participate in the SMRU Traveling Scholars Program. Failure of an awardee to present their abstract, or failure of an awardee to attend SMRU-sponsored activities, without a legitimate medical excuse, will result in penalties to the awardee and/or mentor, including denial of travel reimbursement to the awardee and/or denial of applications from the mentor's program for a period of two years.

Congratulations to the 2023 Winners

SMRU Traveling Scholar Award

The annual Society for Male Reproduction and Urology Traveling Scholars Program allows a diverse group of young clinical physicians and basic science researchers the opportunity to explore a career in male reproductive medicine. The primary purpose of the program is to stimulate the scientific interests of residents and fellows in the study of male reproduction. Scholars are selected by the SMRU Research Committee based on the scores of their abstracts submitted for the Scientific Congress. The recipient for 2023 is Nicholas Deebel, MD, for ORAL PREDNISONE AS A RESCUE INTERVENTION FOR DETERIORATING SPERM PARAMETERS FOLLOWING VASOVASOSTOMY

Cappy Rothman, MD, Chuck Sims, MD, And The California Cryobank Traveling Scholar Award

This award allows a junior physician or basic science researcher to explore a career in male reproduction and urology. The primary purpose of the award is to stimulate the scientific interests of students, residents and fellows in the study of male reproduction. The recipient for 2023 is Aaron Brant, MD, for VARIABILITY IN SELF-PAY PRICING FOR VASECTOMY AMONG UNITED STATES HOSPITALS.

SMRU Lipshultz/Lamb Traveling Scholar Award

This award allows a junior physician or basic science researcher to explore a career in male reproduction and urology. The primary purpose of the award is to stimulate the scientific interests of students, residents and fellows in the study of male reproduction. The recipient for 2023 is Rosella Cannarella, MD, PhD, for SPERM MESODERM SPECIFIC TRANSCRIPT GENE METHYLATION STATUS IN INFERTILE PATIENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS.

Weill Cornell Male Reproductive Surgery and Urology Traveling Fellow Award

This award allows a junior physician or basic science researcher to explore a career in male reproduction and urology. The primary purpose of the award is to stimulate the scientific interests of students, residents and fellows in the study of male reproduction. The 2023 recipient is Joginder Bidhan, MS, for QUANTIFICATION OF GENETIC VARIANTS IN SPERM AFTER RADIO FREQUENCY  ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (RF-EMR) EXPOSURE.

Abstract Awards

View these ASRM Scientific Congress Abstract Awards
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Video Presentation Awards

The Video Committee selects an overall first prize award video, second place video, and third prize video. Individual category recognitions are identified by a certificate.
View the Award Information
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SRS Travel Scholar Award for Reproductive Surgery

The objective of the SRS Traveling Scholar Award is to provide for any trainee whose abstract submission focuses on reproductive surgery to expand their educational and networking experience. View the Award Information
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SRS-SMRU Travel Scholar Award for Male Reproductive Surgery

The objective of the SRS-SMRU Traveling Scholars Award is for any trainee whose abstract submission focuses on male reproductive surgery to expand their educational and networking experience. View the Award Information
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SRS In-Training Awards for Research

The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding research conducted by individuals in training.
View the Award Information
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SMRU Traveling Scholar Awards

The objective of this award is for trainees to learn more about the field of male infertility by attending educational activities at the ASRM Scientific Congress. View the Award information
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Drs. Camran, Farr, and Ceana Nezhat Travel Scholar Award for Endometriosis

The objective of this award is to provide any trainee whose abstract submission focuses on endometriosis to expand their experience in the field. View the Award Information
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DeCherney-Nezhat REI Fellows Traveling Scholars Award in Reproductive Surgery

The objective of this award is to expand educational and networking opportunities for REI Fellows with a  focus on reproductive surgery. View the Award Information
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ASRM Scientific Congress Awards

Each year ASRM presents awards for outstanding papers and posters presented at the ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo. 
View the Award Information
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Professional and Special Interest Groups Awards

Several ASRM Professional and Special Interest Groups have selected prize papers for cash awards.
View the Award Information
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Affiliated Society Prize Papers

SART, SRBT, SREI, SRS, and SMRU have selected prize papers for awards in varying amounts.
View the Award Information
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In-Training Awards For Research

In-Training Awards for Research will be granted in recognition of outstanding research conducted by individuals who are in-training.
View the Award information

Congress Awards

Congress Endowed Awards Teaser
Congress Awards

ASRM Scientific Congress Endowed Awards

The ASRM Scientific Congress Endowed Awards are specially funded and awardees are chosen via an organization-wide nomination process and awarded at the ASRM Scientific Congress.

View the Endowed Awards
Congress Abstract Awards Teaser
Congress Awards

ASRM Scientific Congress Abstract Awards

Abstract Awards are granted in recognition of outstanding research and are chosen by ASRM Affiliated Societies, Professional Groups, Special Interest Groups and ASRM.

View the Abstract Awards
Congress Member Recognition Awards Teaser
Congress Awards

ASRM Scientific Congress Member Recognition

The ASRM Service Milestone Award and Star Awards recognize milestones for service and presenting at the ASRM Scientific Congress respectively.

View the Recognition Awards