Registration is open for the 2024 ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo
A varicocele is a variation of normal anatomy in which veins in the scrotum (the sac that holds the testicles) become enlarged and sometimes even visible.
This podcast discusses who are typical egg donor candidates and also describes the screening process to be an egg donor and give the gift of life!
Due to the unique stress of infertility, patients often look for resources and support in addition to those provided by their medical provider.
In this episode of SART Fertility Experts, Dr. Brad Hurst and Dr. Mark Trolice, to review the indications for tubal surgery.
I spent seven years navigating infertility, which was tumultuous but also a period of tremendous personal growth in hindsight.
One of the easiest ways to determine if you are underweight or overweight is to calculate your body mass index (BMI).
In this episode, we discuss the ins-and-outs of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Most women will use birth control pills at some time in their lives.
Oversight of Assisted Reproductive Technology is a summary of information presented and recommendations offered at a recent meeting convened by ASRM attended by medical professionals, legal
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