Journal Club Global en Español: Avances recientes en el tratamiento del síndrome de ovario poliquístico e Infertilidad
Fertility & Sterility se enorgullece de traer un Journal Club Global en Español en vivo desde Valencia, España. Un panel de expertos discutirá dos artículos recientes de Fertility and Sterility que estudian la infertilidad y el síndrome de ovario poliquístico. Se discuten las actualizaciones sobre la predicción personalizada del nacido vivo y el papel de la AMH en el pronóstico de las mujeres con SOP.
- Los detalles importan: predicción personalizada de nacidos vivos después de la fecundación in vitro en mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico.
- El nivel de la hormona anti-mulleriana predice la ovulación en mujeres con síndrome de ovario poliquístico tratadas con clomifeno y metformina.Subclinical hypothyroidism in the infertile female population: a guideline
Questions to be addressed:
- ¿La AMH se asocia con ovulación en los ciclos de inducción de la ovulación?
- ¿Hay un asociación entre AMH y embarazo o parto en ciclos de inducción de la ovulación?
- ¿Los factores metabólicos y el Índice de masa corporal (IMC) se asocian con los resultados de tratamientos para la fertilidad?
- ¿Nos acercamos a la medicina personalizada para el tratamiento de la infertilidad?
Dr. Ricardo Azziz
Dr. Juan José Espinós Góme
Dr. Alejandro Manzur Yanine
Dr. Ana Belén Castel Seguí
Dr. Elkin Munoz
Dr. J. Ricardo Loret de Mola
More JCG Videos

Journal Club Global en Español: Avances recientes en el tratamiento del síndrome de ovario poliquístico e Infertilidad
Un panel de expertos discutirá dos artículos recientes de Fertility and Sterility que estudian la infertilidad y el síndrome de ovario poliquístico.

Journal Club Global: Cost effectiveness analyses of PGT-A
Infertility treatments can be financially burdensome, often without insurance coverage, making understanding the cost effectiveness of PGT-A crucial.

Journal Club Global: The future of REI Fellowship training: debating opportunities and threats
This exciting collaboration discusses the controversy and future directions for the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility medicine.

Journal Club Global: Actualidad En Tratamientos De Fertilidad Para Pacientes Con Endometriosis
Live in Spanish from the 2024 Peruvian Fertility Society Meeting - Lima, Peru

Journal Club Global - Recurrent implantation failure: Reality or statistical mirage?
This exciting new collaboration brings authors and experts to discuss the controversy and future directions for recurrent implantation failure.

Journal Club Global - Evidence based guidelines for PCOS
This virtual event discusses the international guidelines for the assessment and management of PCOS, conducted by the International PCOS Network.

Journal Club Global - Recurrent implantation failure: Reality or statistical mirage?
This exciting new collaboration brings authors and experts to discuss the controversy and future directions for recurrent implantation failure.

Journal Club Global - The Association of Ovarian Reserve and Embryo Aneuploidy
Recent research suggests that the Antimullerian hormone (AMH) may not reliably predict embryo health in both infertility and non-infertility cases.

Journal Club Global - Actualización en la suplementación con progesterona en fase lútea para transferencias de embriones congelados
Efectividad del rescate de progesterona en mujeres que presentan niveles bajos de progesterona circulante alrededor del día de la transferencia de embriones

Journal Club Global - Revisiting the STAR trial: The Fellows debate PGT-A
We are excited to host a debate covering the pros and cons of PGT-A and how new technologies should be validated before clinical implementation.

Journal Club Global: Absolute uterine infertility a Cornelian dilemma: uterine transplantation or surrogacy?
Absolute uterine infertility presents as a Cornelian dilemma for patients and providers.

Journal Club Global: Transferencia de embriones frescos versus congelados: ¿Cuál es la mejor opción
Los resultados de nuevas técnicas de investigación clínica que utilizan información de bancos nacionales de vigilancia médica.

Journal Club Global: IVM in Clinical Practice: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
In vitro maturation (IVM) has the potential to make IVF cheaper, safer, and more widely accessible to patients with infertility.

Journal Club Global - What is the optimal number of oocytes to reach a live-birth following IVF?
The optimal number of oocytes necessary to expect a live birth following in vitro fertilization remains unclear.

Journal Club Global: Surgical management of endometriosis in women diagnosed with infertility (Spanish language)

Journal Club Global: Natural versus Programmed FET Cycles

Journal Club Global: Moving leiomyoma research from bench to bedside

Journal Club Global: Does diminished ovarian reserve impact embryo aneuploidy or live birth rates?

Journal Club Global: Is PGT-P cutting edge or should we cut it out?
PGT for polygenic risk scoring (PGT-P) is a novel screening strategy of embryos for polygenic conditions and traits.

Journal Club Global: Should everyone freeze oocytes by age 33?
Oocyte cryopreservation is one of the fastest growing areas of reproductive medicine.

Journal Club Global: Management of poor ovarian response
A poor ovarian response to what should otherwise be a successful stimulation cycle presents a clinical conundrum for clinicians.

Journal Club Global: Non-invasive Diagnosis of Endometriosis
One of the most exciting developments in the field of endometriosis is the push towards earlier and less invasive approaches to diagnosis.

Journal Club Global: Prognosis in unexplained RPL
Recurrent pregnancy loss is one of the bigger challenges in the field of reproductive medicine.

Journal Club Global: Evidence for Immunologic Therapies in Women Undergoing ART
Reproductive immunology is perhaps one of the most controversial and promising fields within ART.

Journal Club Global Live from PCRS - Non-Invasive Embryo Selection Techniques
The next great frontier in reproductive medicine is how to non-invasively select an embryo with the highest reproductive potential for transfer.

Journal Club Global Live from PCRS - ICSI for Non-Male Factor Infertility
While intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has revolutionized the treatment of male factor infertility, a significant controversy still remains regarding its ubiquitous use in all IVF cycles.

Journal Club Global - To Operate Or Not To Operate: Debating Intramural Fibroids And Fertility
The event will debate the upcoming F&S Fertile Battle “Intramural myomas more than 3 to 4 cm should be surgically removed before IVF”.

Journal Club Global - PGT-A - Can non-invasive approaches based on spent medium analysis
PGT-A by trophectoderm biopsy aims to select available euploid embryos for transfer.

Journal Club Global - Obesity & Reproduction: An Update on Management and Counseling
Obesity can negatively impact reproduction in various ways, including ovulatory and menstrual function, natural fertility and fecundity rates, infertility treatment success rates, infertility treatment safety, and obstetric outcomes

Journal Club Global - Does the Endometrium Play a Major Role in Endometriosis-Associated Infertility
This will be a virtual event in the style of the "Fertile Battle" debate that took place at the 2019 SREI Fellows Symposium

Journal Club Global - Best Practices of High Performing ART Clinics
This Fertility and Sterility Journal Club Global discusses February’s seminal article, “Common practices among consistently high-performing in vitro fertilization programs in the United States: a 10 year update.”

Journal Club Global - Should Fellows Perform Live Embryo Transfers in Fellowship?
Few things are more taboo in reproductive medicine fellowship training than allowing fellows to perform live embryo transfers.

Journal Club Global - Fertilization rate as a novel indicator in ART results
This Journal Club Global discusses a provocative article recently published in Fertility and Sterility, discussing the results of a multicenter retrospective cohort study with the objective to appraise the fertilization rate as a predictive factor for cumulative live birth rate (CLBR).

Journal Club Global Live from ASRM - Optimal Management of the Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycle: Insights From Recent Literature
Three recent papers published in the Fertility and Sterility family of journals, all explore different aspects of optimizing frozen embryo transfer cycles.

Journal Club Global - Are We Approaching Automation in ART?
Some ART diagnostic devices are already available and offer objective tools of evaluation.

Journal Club Global Live from India - Adjuvants in IVF and IVF Add-Ons for the Endometrium
Many adjuvants have been utilized by IVF centers to improve their success rates.

Journal Club Global - Accuracy of Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies

Club Global Académico - ¿Cual debe de ser la primera línea de tratamiento en parejas con infertilidad inexplicable?
Nuestro debate se enfocará en el manejo óptimo de la infertilidad inexplicable, y como el problema debe de ser abordado en Latinoamérica basado en la literatura global reciente.

Journal Club Global - Recurrent Implantation Failures in ART: Myth or Reality?
Fertility and Sterility

F&S Reports
F&S Reports is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed original scientific articles in clinical and translational research that have strong potential to transform clinical practice.

F&S Reviews
F&S Reviews publishes both systematic and comprehensive, authoritative review articles spanning reproductive medicine or science.

F&S Science
F&S Science publishes peer-reviewed original scientific articles in basic, laboratory, and translational research that has strong potential to transform clinical practice.

Fertility and Sterility
Fertility and Sterility® is an international journal for health professionals who treat and investigate problems of infertility and human reproductive disorders.

Journal Club Global
Fertility and Sterility Journal Club Global is an interactive online discussion of a hot topic or seminal article from Fertility and Sterility.
Topic Resources

Recommendations from the 2023 International Evidence-based Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (2023)
What is the recommended assessment and management of those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). View the Recommendation
Surgery Coding
I took the ASRM coding course, and in that course, coding for bilateral neosalpingostomies was coded using only a dx of N70.11 (hydrosalpinx). View the Answer
Ovulation Induction Monitoring With PCOS
We have a patient insisting that we code the ultrasound follicle monitoring with the PCOS diagnosis. View the Answer
Coding for Ovarian Drilling
Can you provide some information related to ovarian drilling that would assist non-physician administration (coders, billers)? View the Answer
A summary of codes for PCOS as compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee. View the Coding Summary
Current evaluation of amenorrhea (2008)
Amenorrhea is the absence or abnormal cessation of the menses. View the Educational Bulletin
Best practices of ASRM and ESHRE: a journey through reproductive medicine (2012)
ASRM and ESHRE are the two largest societies in the world whose members comprise the major experts and professionals working in reproductive medicine. View the Committee Joint Guideline