Access to Care Special Interest Group (ATCSIG)
ATCSIG’s Mission Statement:
The Access To Care Special Interest Group's purpose is to foster the growth of knowledge among the ASRM membership and the medical community regarding the unmet needs that exist today in access to reproductive care; highlight the disparities, barriers and impact; provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information; stimulate a networking of individuals among ASRM members with special interest in access to care; promote the advancement of policy initiatives, research and advocacy related to the goal of achieving universal access to reproductive care, in the United States and globally.
2023-2024 Access to Care Special Interest Group Leadership:
Chair: Dr. Tia Jackson-Bey
Chair Elect: Dr. Amanda Adeleye
Vice Chair: Dr. Lusine Aghajanova
Immediate Past Chair: Dr. Torie Plowden
Past Chair: Dr. Sheryl Vanderpoel
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ASRM Affiliated Societies
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ASRM Professional Groups
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ASRM Special Interest Groups
ASRM Special Interest Groups provide programming and leadership to physicians and health professionals who have a special interest in a particular area of reproductive medicine.

Membership Directory
ASRM Members can find contact information for other members by visiting ASRM Connect, the new community hub for ASRM membership.
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Topic Resources

Ethical considerations for telemedical delivery of fertility care: an Ethics Committee opinion (2024)
Telemedicine has the potential to increase access to and decrease the cost of care. View the Committee Opinion
Alabama Supreme Court Rules Frozen Embryos are “Unborn Children” and admonishes IVF’s “Wild West” treatment
Legally Speaking™ on presenting facts and reflecting on the impact and potential implications of legal developments in ART. View the Column
ASRM's CPL Announces Selections for the 2024 Cohort of the PRIMED Scholars Advocacy Program
We were inundated with interest in this program from across ASRM’s membership and are excited to welcome the members of this year’s cohort. Read the press release
June 2023 ASRM Policy Briefing
Find out what the Office of Public Affairs has been doing to influence access to care and reproductive medicine legislation. View the video
Cross-border reproductive care: an Ethics Committee opinion (2022)
Cross-border reproductive care is a growing worldwide phenomenon, raising questions about why assisted reproductive technology patients travel for care. View the Ethics Committee Document
Reproductive and infertility care in times of public health crises: an Ethics Committee opinion (2022)
Public health crises often require a framework shift in which patient autonomy is balanced with the need to safeguard the health of the community. View the Committee opinion
Disparities in access to effective treatment for infertility in the United States: an Ethics Committee opinion (2021)
In the United States, economic, racial, ethnic, geographic, and other disparities prevent access to fertility treatment and affect treatment outcomes. View the Committee Opinion
Access to fertility treatment irrespective of marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity: an Ethics Committee opinion (2021)
The statement concludes that individuals and couples should have access to fertility services irrespective of marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. View the Committee Opinion
What support for IVF looks like
Bipartisan support for IVF, that is responsible for the birth of over 2% of all babies born in the USA each year, will ensure that families continue to grow. View the advocacy resource
It takes more than one
Why IVF patients often need multiple embryos to have a baby View the advocacy resource
Leadership in Access to Care Course
ASRM Academy introduces the Leadership in Access to Care Course – your opportunity to learn how to address the gaps in reproductive and infertility care. Learn more about the Leadership in Access to Care Course
Advocacy Resources
ASRM has prepared resources to help explain and advocate for reproductive rights and the continuation of in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments. View the advocacy resources