Fibroid Special Interest Group (FSIG)
FSIG’s Mission Statement:
The principal purposes of FSIG shall be to stimulate, support, and promote education, research, and knowledge in the field of fibroid development, growth, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment.2023-2024 Fibroid Special Interest Group Leadership:
Chair: Dr. Bala Bhagavath
Chair Elect: Dr. Maria Victoria Bariani
Vice Chair: Dr. Mohamed Ali
Immediate Past Chair: Dr. Elizabeth Pritts
Past Chair: Dr. Simone Ferrero
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ASRM Special Interest Groups
ASRM Special Interest Groups provide programming and leadership to physicians and health professionals who have a special interest in a particular area of reproductive medicine.

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ASRM Members can find contact information for other members by visiting ASRM Connect, the new community hub for ASRM membership.
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Topic Resources

Resection Adenomyoma
I have a patient with an adenomyoma of the uterine wall that requires surgical excision and uterine repair. View the Answer
Medication Administration
Is CPT code 96402 applicable to a Depo-Lupron or Zoladex injection by nurse at REI practice, even if there is no diagnosis of cancer? View the Answer
Hysteroscopy Polyp Suspected
What ICD-10 code do you use if a diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed for the preoperative diagnosis of uterine polyp? View the Answer
A summary of codes to use with fibroids and myomas compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee View the Coding Summary
Journal Club Global: Moving leiomyoma research from bench to bedside

Journal Club Global - To Operate Or Not To Operate: Debating Intramural Fibroids And Fertility
The event will debate the upcoming F&S Fertile Battle “Intramural myomas more than 3 to 4 cm should be surgically removed before IVF”. View the Video