Ovulation Induction Monitoring With PCOS
We have a patient insisting that we code the ultrasound follicle monitoring with the PCOS diagnosis. Patient has PCOS, but is now undergoing fertility treatment to get pregnant. My understanding is that if the patient is undergoing treatment to get pregnant we code with either the N97.0 codes or the Z31.89 and the PCOS can be a secondary diagnosis. Is this correct?
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Coding Q&A
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Guidance for coding limited or follow-up ultrasounds used during an IVF Cycle
I am a coder for a Reproductive Endocrinologist's office and am looking for some guidelines on limited or follow-up ultrasounds used during an IVF Cycle.
Shipping of frozen embryos
I have some infertility coverage, under which my insurance said they will cover frozen embryo shipping/transport from one facility to another.
Measurements to report with ultrasound codes
Are there clear guidelines as to what measurements are required in order to bill for each type of ultrasound?
Exclusion of IVF services due to Z31.83
My wife and I have been seeking IVF treatment and this year coverage was added to my benefits for infertility treatment (up to $25,000).Topic Resources
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