Shipping of frozen embryos
I have some infertility coverage, under which my insurance said they will cover frozen embryo shipping/transport from one facility to another.
However, when it came time to submit claims, they denied it, saying the CPT code was not reimbursable. Moreover, they also said they aren’t coders to provide the right CPT code when asked for help with the correct CPT coding.
They mentioned that providers need to give the right code, but the cotransport company is not a provider and does not deal with CPT codes.
However, when it came time to submit claims, they denied it, saying the CPT code was not reimbursable. Moreover, they also said they aren’t coders to provide the right CPT code when asked for help with the correct CPT coding.
They mentioned that providers need to give the right code, but the cotransport company is not a provider and does not deal with CPT codes.
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Coding Q&A
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